Stack ADT using Array in Java

The current post contains the custom implementation of Stack ADT using Array in Java. StackArray class is the reference of Stack implementation using Array with the fixed size elements.
  • push(): is used to store elements in Stack. It will throw StackOverflowError, if stack is full.
  • pop(): is used to remove top element from Stack. It will throw EmptyStackException, if Stack if empty.
  • peek(): is used to get top most element from Stack. It will throw EmptyStackException, if Stack if empty.
  • search(): is used to find the element is present or not in Stack. It will throw EmptyStackException, if Stack if empty.
  • show(): is used to print total elements present in Stack. It will throw EmptyStackException, if Stack if empty.
  • isEmpty(): is used to find the Stack is empty or not. It will return true/false based on Stack.
  • isFull(): is used to find the Stack is full or not. It will return true/false based on Stack.
  • size(): is used to fine the Stack size.
package com.dsalgorithms.stack;

import java.util.EmptyStackException;
* Author : Subbareddy
* StackArray class is the reference of Stack implementation using Array in Java.
public class StackArray {

private int size;
private int index = 0;
private int[] ar;

* StackArray constructor is used to create an array with passing size
* Input: integer value
public StackArray(int size){
this.size = size;
ar = new int[size];

* push() used to insert element into the stack
* Input: integer value
* Throws StackOverflowError error if stack is full
public void push(int element){
throw new StackOverflowError();

ar[index] = element;

* pop() method removes the top most element and return the deleted element
* Throws EmptyStackException if Stack is empty
public int pop(){
throw new EmptyStackException();

return ar[--index];

* peek() method returns the top most element in the Stack
* Throws EmptyStackException exception if Stack is empty
public int peek(){
throw new EmptyStackException();

return ar[index];

* search() method verifies the element is present or not in the Stack
* Input: integer value
* Throws EmptyStackException exception if Stack is empty
public int search(int element){
throw new EmptyStackException();

for(int i=0;i<index;i++){
if(ar[i] == element)
return ar[i-1];
return -1;

* show() method will print Stack elements
* Throws EmptyStackException exception if Stack is empty
public void show(){
throw new EmptyStackException();

for(int i=0;i<index;i++){

* isEmpty() method validates whether the Stack is empty or not
* Throws EmptyStackException exception if Stack is empty
public boolean isEmpty(){
if(index == 0)
return true;

return false;

* isFull() method will return true or false based on Stack is full or not
public boolean isFull(){
if(index == size)
return true;

return false;

* size() method will return total stack size
public int size(){
return index;

public static void main(String[] args) {
//Creating an Empty stack with the size of 10
StackArray stack = new StackArray(10);
System.out.println("Initial Size of Stack is: "+stack.size());

//Pushing 1 to 10 integer type elements into Stack
System.out.println("\nPUSH 1-10 VALUES INTO STACK");

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){

//Printing the Stack size after pushing elements into Stack
System.out.println("\nAfter PUSH stack size: "+stack.size());

//Printing total number of elements from Stack;

//Remove/Pop top 5 elements from Stack
System.out.println("\nPOP 5 elements from Stack");
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){

//Printing total elements after performing pop;

//Searching for specific element from Stack
int position =;
if(position == -1)
System.out.println("\nElement not present in stack");
System.out.println("\nElement located in the position of "+position);

